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D. B. Albiza
Cruel Nature
D. B. Albiza, author
Cruel Nature is first time author D. B. Albiza's humble love letter to the dog-eared horror paperbacks of our youth.  It's a young reader's initiation into what the author hopes will be a life long love affair with the genre. Seven tales deliver brief terrifying interludes with the supernatural illustrating lessons as old as the woods where much of the action takes place. Debut author Albiza draws on her love of  R.L. Stine's Goosebumps, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz, Maria Leach's The Thing at the Foot of the Bed and more. Cruel Nature delivers seven terrifying tales to trouble your sleep: * A mysterious hole in the wall reveals a horrifying vision. * Beware a creature so evil you dare not speak its name. * Cora finds her missing sister, but the happy reunion turns deadly. * Henry buys a house next to an empty lot, but soon discovers he's not alone. * A midday walk along a graveyard turns into a brush with death. * When Caleb vandalizes an ancient tree it's the last thing he ever does. * What happens to all the rotted pumpkins people throw away? One town discovers the unbelievable and horrifying answer.   Cover and nine eerie full-page illustrations by talented artist Elizabeth Quiñonez accompany the tales in this eerie collection and are sure to fuel a few nightmares.

I loved most of the stories in Cruel Nature. As a fan of all horror media, it was fun to read through so many different takes on horror genres. The first story hooked me but the one the left me most disturbed was Harvester. Second favorite was Under the Ceiba, which had a more unique somber tone that stood out from the rest of the stories. The stories are just the perfect length that you could easily read one or two during some downtime. Or you can binge the whole thing in one day if you’re craving the spooks.
Each story has an accompanying illustration and they are all INCREDIBLE. Honestly, if the stories don’t freak you out the illustrations will. You can tell there was attention placed on how and when to present them too, often on a page flip when you may not be expecting it (or when you know they’re coming and are dreading it!).
If you like horror give it a read, there’s bound to be at least one story or image here that you won’t forget.

