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Mike Halpert
Cubicle To Corner Office
Mike Halpert, author
From College to Corporate: Navigating Your First Job with Confidence! Starting a corporate job fresh from college, an internship, or as an expat? "Cubicle To Corner Office" is your essential guide to understanding the nuances of corporate culture and etiquette. Your first job sets the tone for your career, and understanding the office dynamics is crucial to setting yourself up for success. Inside, you'll learn: - How to master the corporate culture and its unspoken rules. - Effective ways to interact with managers and mentors to unlock growth opportunities. - Crafting clear communications: from standout emails to impactful reports. - Essentials like cultivating the right mindset, managing job expectations, and building professional relationships. - Tips for interactions with senior executives, and mastering tools like Zoom. - Navigating business attire, handling expense accounts, and socializing professionally. - Strategies for continuous professional development, understanding compensation, and the art of asking for raises. - For expats: A deep dive into cultural nuances for smooth integration. This isn't just a guideā€”it's a roadmap to career success. Perfect for graduates, interns, or anyone at the start of their corporate journey. Dive in and embark on a transformative journey from college to corporate with clarity and confidence.
