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Brendan OMeara
Cut From Stone
The world is fresh from humanity splitting in half – the BlankZone in the East and the Federation in the West. As an inevitable attack from the BlankZone looms, the Federation makes swift, mysterious, and unexpected moves to prepare. James, a 17-year-old living in the Federation, is drafted by the military. He learns that he has been selected to join a group of skilled teens who will be transformed into elite human weapons. Follow James and his friends as they mature from teenagers to lethal warriors. Together, they will face life altering events as they navigate a new existence dedicated to protecting their friends, families, and humanity at all costs. First in the Crafting Humanity series.
Winner of Next Generation Indie Book Award, Best Young New Adult Novel

In this dystopian novel, we see high school graduates unknowingly tested and prepared for war. Grueling preparation hones the young people into warriors, leaders and thinkers of the future. Well written with strong character and, a look at future political possibilities, the author writes with a sense of hope woven into the major problems of this future age.

Susan Weintrob, Next Generation Indie Book Awards Judge

