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Ebook Details
  • 10/2020
  • 978-0-9859425-8-8 B08LHLLQF4
  • 740 pages
  • $4.50
Paperback Details
  • 11/2020
  • 978-0-9859425-9-5 0985942592
  • 740 pages
  • $21.99
Mark Tierno
Cyberdawn: Beginnings

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

What if every conspiracy theory you’d ever heard of was true… and it still wasn’t enough. Earth is entering a new age of peace. No weapons, countries ready to put down their armies, every home benefiting from megacorp generosity, but if you’re Black Jack Hannigan this sounds a bit like fattening up the calf before the slaughter. He’s seen them, creatures straight out of mythology. Winged tigers, ghouls, werewolves, they all exist; all part of the same millennia-old conspiracy. The “People” are manipulating our society, readying us for sacrifice to their Masters unless Black Jack and his friends can bring their schemes to light. It will take a new generation of weapons being developed by the icy Dr. Rebecca Winter to protect a defenseless world against these creatures, and even then it’s a race. For once the People have opened the Eye of the Apocalypse it’s all over. The Masters will consume our world, just as they have countless others before us.
Ebook Details
  • 10/2020
  • 978-0-9859425-8-8 B08LHLLQF4
  • 740 pages
  • $4.50
Paperback Details
  • 11/2020
  • 978-0-9859425-9-5 0985942592
  • 740 pages
  • $21.99
