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Dasha Davies
Cybersecurity - It's not all about Technology
Dasha Davies, author
Most executives say they care about cybersecurity. If that's true, why do we still see so many breaches? And why do data breaches increase every year? Yes, hackers are getting more creative, but security technology is also getting smarter, better, and faster. So what are we missing? In my over 25-year career in cybersecurity, I have noticed a few patterns: The belief that cybersecurity is mostly about technology An overwhelming number of great technology gadgets and pressure to choose the best one Excellent product marketing that promises to solve all or many of our security problems Limited resources, know-how, time, and budget Lack of consideration/implementation of GRC (Governance, Risk, Compliance) Reliance on the IT and security team or your MSP to make everything secure. The complexity and not knowing where to start Yes, it is a puzzle of technology, people, processes, governance, risk, compliance, standards, industry, and legal requirements—no matter what industry you are in, what country you operate in, or where your clients are located. This book is designed to help you understand: What else may I be missing? Why GRC is so important and how to easily implement it How to minimize my AI risks and leverage the opportunities it offers What questions should I ask my internal team and suppliers to understand the gaps and risks? How do we perform internal security, risk, and compliance checks? As a business owner myself, I understand the desire to protect and grow your business. While you are focusing on growth, service, and product delivery, managing your staff, and ensuring your IT is operational, this book will show you areas that you may not have paid enough attention to. These areas are equally important for your business protection and growth. This book will show you how to leverage security, GRC, and AI to your benefit to grow, increase customer trust and confidence, and set yourself apart from the competition. This is the book that will help you put the puzzle together. Bonus: With this book, you get access to our continuously growing online collection of templates, playbooks, worksheets, and insights to implement all of this.
