Plot: Dancing in the Narrows is a poignant, memorable book about a young woman's struggle with chronic Lyme disease and her treatment options, as well as the enduring, courageous connection between a mother and daughter in times of grief and crisis.
Prose/Style: This memoir is well-written, gripping, and emotionally resonant.
Originality: While books addressing the impacts of disease are familiar, Penenberg’s memoir is set apart from others in the genre by her strong prose and well-drawn figures, as well as the focus on a condition that, while wide-spread, is rarely the topic of memoir.
Character/Execution: The mother and daughter here come across clearly and vividly, but primarily in relationship to the disease and how it has changed both of their lives. Readers will be moved by the sacrifices both women have had to make in the face of this often misunderstood and frequently devastating. disease.
Date Submitted: October 09, 2020