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Patrice McLaurin
Dandi McLion Has Her Say

"People have given dandelions a bad reputation and Dandi McLion doesn't like it!  To resolve this problem, she speaks up for herself and for all the dandelions she knows.  Will using her voice make a difference?  Find out what happens when Dandi McLion finally has her say!"

Dandi McLion Has Her Say is a fun and engaging mixture of STEM, Social Emotional Learning and Character Education!  It comes complete with a glossary to enhance reading comprehension and increase vocabulary.

From this book, readers are sure to learn some pretty important facts about dandelions. (STEM)

The book also touches on core components of Social Emotional Learning like empathy, compassion and how to handle big emotions.

Furthermore, it demonstrates how one can exercise Civic Responsibility to make a change in their world, a key element of Character Education.

Dandi McLion Has Her Say encourages its reader to be courageous.  It reminds them that their voice is powerful and that it deserves to be heard.

