"Dang Near Royal by Milan Sergent had me in stitches .... This is the deep south meeting stuck-up toffee-nosed Britain and it is comedy at its finest. We get to know the amazing, colorful characters very well and some of them you will really get to know - you'll soon know whose side you are on! ... This is all go right from the first page, a truly down-to-earth comedy with a touch of the bittersweet to it. Milan has written a story that you can only truly appreciate if you understand British humor. I do and I think this would go down a treat as a made-for-TV series in the UK."-Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite
"Dang Near Royal is a laugh-out-loud book with elements of realism about the everyday concept we have of the lower side of aristocracy, always making more of themselves than is absolutely necessary. [Milan Sergent] goes to great lengths to bring what would otherwise be an outrageous story into the realm of humor and succeeds wholeheartedly in making you laugh and cry with frustration at people's antics.... A wonderfully written, funny, and sad book that will make your heart rejoice in the end!" -Bernadette Diane Anderson for Readers' Favorite
"Dang Near Royal by Milan Sergent is one of the best comedy novels I have read for a long time. I found the clever play on words and the results of miscommunication throughout the plot absolutely hysterical. The characters each had unique personality traits which made for some incredibly humorous interactions.... The comedy was consistently witty and sharp. This novel, however, is far more than a continuous stream of slapstick and hilarious situations; there are also wonderful relationship developments, and the bonds between the members of the Gurney family were completely endearing. The ending was a really good example of the importance of trusting your basic instinct when it comes to evaluating the goodness in people. I highly recommend this novel to anyone who loves well-thought-out and intelligent humour." -Lesley Jones for Readers' Favorite
"Dang Near Royal is a satirical dramedy written by Milan Sergent.... Funny, clever, and at times surprisingly poignant, Dang Near Royal is delightfully outrageous. Milan Sergent's novel is tightly-paced and provides ample entertainment from start to finish. I gobbled it up in one sitting and just couldn't put it down. The characters are quirky and colorful, and despite their inherent flaws, you can't help but root for them.... In his quest for humor, author Milan Sergent pulls no punches and makes fun of both southern stereotypes and English aristocracy in equal measure. Dang Near Royal is an absolute riot that I would readily recommend to anybody itching for a hysterically funny read." -Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite
"... This is a dark comedy that boldly addresses the unthinkable. In an age where many of us are weaned on mindless reality TV programs, Dang Near Royal reminds us that our gullibility can lead to our downfall. I am impressed by Sergent's daring and frank illustration of the exploitative world of reality television. He gives you a thorough look at how the minds of his characters work in a plot that operates like a sitcom. Perhaps the hidden message in Dang Near Royal is that reality television is nowhere close to simulating reality and that it is even getting worse at representing the real world. This novel becomes a must-read, because its balanced drama and humor are relevant, and you want to find out if the Gurneys will emerge from that veil of superficiality." -Vincent Dublado for Readers' Favorite