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Ebook Details
  • 11/2021
  • 979-8-9852616-0-8 B09MS9WQLS
  • 368 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 11/2021
  • 979-8-9852616-1-5 B09MDRD7Y7
  • 368 pages
  • $14.99
Elaine Schroller
Dare Not Tell

He’s been hiding painful trauma. When his past threatens to erupt, will the truth break two hearts?

London, July 1939. Joe Parker buried his memories deeply. On a second honeymoon with his adoring wife, the Australian Great War veteran becomes quietly uneasy when they receive an invitation to his country's WWI memorial in France. Anxious about returning to the scene of his shameful secret, the seasoned detective does his best to control his feelings with an iron will.

With a deep rapport built with Sophie through wartime correspondence, and a bond forged by both losing their brothers in combat, their connection thrived through the years. But when the former lieutenant arrives on the grounds of the most brutal battle he ever fought, he fears his actions from long ago could drive the woman he loves away.

Will shining a light on the past make their marriage another casualty of the horrific conflict?

Dare Not Tell is the poignant first book in The Immense Sky Saga of historical fiction. If you like multi-layered characters, haunting depictions of traumatic encounters, and vividly evocative settings, then you’ll enjoy Elaine Aucoin Schroller’s emotional tale.

Kimberly Sullivan, author of Dark Blue Waves and Shadows In the Apennines

“This was a beautifully written story, with a rich sense of place, that had me fully emerged in the WWI era and 1939 France. Joe and Sophie were such engaging characters and I fully enjoyed following along as their story unfolded.” 

Prairies Book Review

“Vividly evocative and steeped in history… Readers will be left impressed with Schroller’s control over her historical atmosphere as well as her multilayered, intriguing characterizations.” 

Rae Blair, author of More Than I Ever Had

“I couldn’t wait to pick up the story to immerse myself in their world.... The pace of the story kept me engaged from start to finish, and I didn’t want it to end.”

Teri Case, award winning author of Tiger Drive and In the Doghouse

“Dare Not Tell is a poignant portrayal of the long-term impact of trauma and how visceral fears can create isolation and distance even in the best of relationships. Schroller’s writing, command of history, and compassion for how relationships evolve through tragedy are superb.”

The Book Life Prize

"Fans of historical fiction romance novels will be delighted to read the arch of Sophie and Joe’s love."

Ebook Details
  • 11/2021
  • 979-8-9852616-0-8 B09MS9WQLS
  • 368 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 11/2021
  • 979-8-9852616-1-5 B09MDRD7Y7
  • 368 pages
  • $14.99
