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Paperback Details
  • 01/2017
  • 204 pages
  • $10.99
Erik Shein
Darwin has made a powerful wish; the mysterious heavens say it’s so. Desire is so strong a wish cloud appears. It says, “Hope and love will defeat all fears.” I can feel it shake me in my ancient shell; this is a story our island animals must tell. Darwin, the Giant tortoise wants to fall in love and asks the wish cloud in the sky to make his dream come true. Darwin, the tortoise is the last surviving member of his family of tortoises, and he has a driving passion is to continue his endangered line. To the Galapagos inhabitants, this timeless animal represents the soul of their environment, a living monument to the power of evolution. To sustain his future (Darwin a Pinta Island Tortoise) and his friends, a Marine Iguana named Admiral Ignatius, Esmeralda, a Pink Iguana, Louie a comical crab, a Blue Penguin, a Lava Lizard and a messenger Sea turtle join forces to find his potential mate and perhaps more of his kind. However, dark forces, who are led by an entity named Malos, would wreck their fragile environment, and prevent Darwin from meeting his true love.
Paperback Details
  • 01/2017
  • 204 pages
  • $10.99
