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GG Collins
Dead Editor File
GG Collins, author
Book Publishing is Murder! This cozy mystery series introduces Taylor Browning, mystery editor at a book publisher. If you've ever wondered what goes on at a publishing house, this is the inside scoop. Dead Editor File features a locked-room murder, a flamboyant author and Oscar, Taylor's Abyssinian cat. He doesn't get mad; he gets even. Taylor can’t edit her way out of real murder.

Details: Dead Editor File By G.G. Collins published October 2017

Plot: A hated boss somehow manages to turn up dead. All evidence points to foul play, yet how could that be possible since he was found inside his locked office? In a twist of events, his death just so happens to mimic a book one of their authors submitted for publication.

Thoughts: Going into this book, I wasn’t sure if it would hold much interest for me; this couldn’t have been further from the truth. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy the book, but I also couldn’t put it down. As a writer, I loved the publishing house aspect as the setting for the book

           Praise: Interesting characters from the boss who everyone loves to hate, to the bitter ex-wife, to the newby editor who also functions as our protagonist. They all flow together to create an interesting little world. But my favorite character, hands down, has to be the cantankerous cat, Oscar. 

           Cons: None that stuck out.

Recommend: This quirky little whodunit with some thrills sprinkled throughout would interest any mystery fan. In my opinion, there is no spice or any triggers the reader would need to be aware of. I recommend this book and plan to continue with the next book soon.


This was a fast-paced exciting mystery that I had borrowed from Kindle Unlimited and decided that it was finally time to read it. I'm not sure why I didn't read it sooner, it was really good! I'm definitely going to be reading the next book. The characters were a quirky blend of co-workers and I found myself caring what happens to them in the next book.The owner of a publishing company died in a locked room type mystery, except it was his office. After ruling it as a murder, it wasn't long before there was yet another murder, and even Taylor had her life threatened. I kind of knew who the killer was, but I sure didn't see the twist, then another twist coming. It was a quick read with a great showdown! I liked how the third person writing examined the thoughts of each person as it was happening, something I've not found a whole lot when I read third person mysteries. I liked the epilogue as well.

