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Paperback Book Details
  • 9781733627412 1733627413
  • pages
  • $
Brian Lahoue
Deal With It!: How to Stop Running from People, Problems, and Pressure
Brian Lahoue, author

Adult; Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion; (Market)

The new authoritative guidebook on why and how to tackle tough conversations, people, and situations. Deal With It! presents a simple approach to handling confrontation that is based on science and easy to apply. Learning to deal with the people, problems and pressure in your life will make you happier, healthier, and more successful. You don't need to be a type A personality to take charge of your life and improve it. Start now and discover how you can become your own best advocate. - Confrontation does not have to be unpleasant - Discover how - Cure your fear of speaking up - Become more attuned with yourself and learn to take action - Stop being a pushover - Learn to say "No." - Become more compassionate, handle anger better - Learn to improve your EQ and leadership skills - Maintain a positive outlook overall - Enjoy less stress, better health, and more fulfilling relationships
Paperback Book Details
  • 9781733627412 1733627413
  • pages
  • $
