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Paperback Book Details
  • 9789785223385 9785223388
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Okwudili Iloka
Author, Contributor, Editor (anthology)
Dear Christian: A Letter From CHRIST
CHRIST takes you through a journey of personal transformation in this heart-warming and life-changing letter series. You will learn the Truth on; • The Gospel • Being Born Again • Faith • Prayer • Creative Living This timeless classic is an awakening that calls all who ‘have ears to hear’ to return to the unfailing PRACTICAL LAW OF LOVE.
On By Anselm

This is without a doubt one of the best books I have ever read on the teachings of Jesus and the gospels. It is a breath of fresh air upon a legacy that has been distorted and abused in every way imaginable; the Legacy of Jesus Christ. Have you ever wondered about the current state of the Christian church and its teachings? Wondered if the church is on the right path or whether it has missed it? Then this book is for you! You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!

On By Geraldine Atuhairwe

Indeed the truth in this book has set me FREE, this book has dealt with all the limitations and questions that I had due to my faith - christian. Growing up as a very zealous christian and truth seeker, some of the practices brought about so many questions in my mind about my faith, I was faithful and serving diligently but there was a ..but. How come this.. how come the other.. so I went on a fast and this book has answered all of my questions and now I feel free. Thank you so much Mr. Okwudili Iloka for this sagacious and insightful book and now my life will never be the same again as I have embarked on a new journey in my life - living to express my true self.
Thank you.
P.S: I cant wait to read more of your books :-D

on By Phyllis L. Swenson

"Dear Christian: A Letter From Christ" is a remarkable book that encourages the reader to seek their own truth and to listen to the Christ within themselves. The author, Okwudili Iloka, takes you on a spiritual journey of discovery and personal transformation to unlock the keys to living an abundant life from the inner to the outer. It is practical Christianity lived from the heart. This amazing book will allow your soul to rise and your heart to be set free. Learning to listen to the voice of the Christ within is an idea whose time has come and the author teaches practical ways of doing that. As Jesus said, the things he has done we can also do, and even greater. This book encourages us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we can live our best lives.

Paperback Book Details
  • 9789785223385 9785223388
  • pages
  • $
