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Paperback Book Details
  • B088B6DBK3
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Carol Denise Mitchell
Debi Thomas What Really Happened
World figure skater Debi Thomas was at the top of her game. She is the only African-American skater to medal in the Olympic Games. Having won many world titles, it was one jump in Calgary in 1988 that cost Debi Thomas a gold medal and ruined her life. Later on, she met a partner in Jamie Looney who successfully took Debi down, and she ended up living in a trailer that was infested with bedbugs. This is the only official book ever written on America's very talented skating star, who is also a medical doctor. Carol Denise Mitchell is brilliant in her fair portrayal of how questioning authority helped bring Debi Thomas's medical career to a crashing end.
Clarence Coggins

The book asks one question which is probably in the minds of millions of fans of Debi Thomas. In it the author states, “Transparency means truth, not annihilation of the great work done.” This statement is appropriate for this stark and sobering look at the effects of an addictive personality combined with domestic violence and a rebellious streak.
It the book Debi makes this request of the author, “I want you to write a book on Jamie and me, and our relationship,” This request is most definitely fulfilled. It’s driven home like a sledgehammer in the first 5 chapters and more. The troubled relationship between Debi and the love of her life Jamie is made very clear.
The book raises and presents the reader with the material to answer many questions. Was she colorblind or color-struck? Did she purposely choose to reject her color to prove she wasn’t defined by it? Was Racism the key to Debi's unraveling? What role did money play?

The book is written in a style that could be called reality tv in print. It draws the reader in with promises of revelations hitherto unexposed to the world. It quotes Debi as saying, “People, who believe everything they see on TV, are the biggest danger we have to society.” And the reader gets more of her story than what Oprah and the OWN covered on their show “Fix My Life”.
This isn’t a light read. It isn’t that something that won’t make you flinch in several places. It does however uplift the reader and gives an intimate look at this amazing woman who took on racial norms and conquered them. It also let’s people know there is hope when dealing in situations related to domestic violence.

Debi Thomas Returns to the ice in Lake Placid

Debi Thomas What Really Happened, has been re-edited. It will make its debut on Kobo and CDMBOOKS is most honored to announce the newly edited release of the book to Debi's fans. This event takes place upon Debi's return to the ice in Lake Placid, NY, October 4-8, 2023.

Debi was born on March 25th, 1967, in Poughkeepsie, New York. She is the 1986 World champion figure skater, and the 1988 Olympic bronze medalist, which was held in Calgary. In 2020 Debi Thomas and her fiancé' Jamie Looney were interviewed two years ago for the book "Debi Thomas, What Really Happened." CDMBOOKS is thrilled to report Debi is back on top again. The book covers Debi's skating life and, is sympathetic, to the skater's rough downfall; and, at the same time, readers, get a look at the domestic violence Debi Thomas suffered, as that was never brought up fully in social media. Readers have been waiting for this version of CDMBOOKS re-edited work.

Paperback Book Details
  • B088B6DBK3
  • pages
  • $
