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Daphne Adler
Debunking Teenagers
Daphne Adler, author
Why are teenagers constantly tempted to behave recklessly, and what can parents do about it? Why is telling your son or daughter to “just say no” a hopelessly ineffective strategy? How do imaginary peers influence your adolescent’s decisions? Why does the focus on reforming bullies and supporting victims miss the point entirely? What are the real perils facing children online, and how should parents respond? Why are teens constantly taking selfies? And how can you keep your child safe behind the wheel? Debunking Teenagers provides research-based answers to these and many other questions you never knew you had about every aspect of the teen years, from instilling good study habits to preventing suicide and assault. In addition, this guide arms you with the top actions you can take as a parent to ensure your adolescent thrives (and survives!) throughout the perilous, exhilarating and memorable teen years.
