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Diaspora of the Discombobulated
New Novel by Award-Winning Author Mary E. Carter The Encyclopaedia Judaica has twenty-one pages listed under: Angels and Angelology. Surprised? Author Mary E. Carter was. Researching further, she discovered that many Jewish scholars, rabbis, and commentators – as well as leaders from Anglicanism to Zoroastrianism –have wrestled with angels over the centuries. To believe or not to believe: that was the question. Enter Chava, an artist and writer, and Hannah-Naomi, a real Guardian Angel and now a guest in Chava’s studio. Together they will ponder the ups and downs of angels and angelology in human life. Did this really happen? “Mary Carter has done it again! This gifted author skillfully fuses humor and emotion, thrusting the concept of angels to center stage in her latest book.” Rabbi Jack Shlachter * Judaism for Your Nuclear Family
