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Hardcover Details
  • 10/2021
  • 978-1-7343234-5-0 1734323450
  • 228 pages
  • $25.00
C. P. Serret
Die the Villain
C. P. Serret, author

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)


On the Darknet, no one knows…

2011. Two years before Snowden.

Hiding in plain sight as a consultant in the gig economy, Finn trades in information. He plays his double life against all sides, hiding in the Instagram limelight as Society's bright young face. But when a blown heist wipes out his hacker team, Finn learns he's not the only one wearing a mask…

Midwest Book Reviews


More so than most coming of age stories, Die the Villain holds the special ability to capture worlds and perceptions outside the mainstream and the norm while maintaining an atmosphere of suspense and intrigue that keeps readers on their toes. Replete with modern cultural references, the action remains fast-paced and unpredictable throughout.

Those who imbibe will find the story darkly complex and compelling as it moves from Cris Finn, who has just returned from Japan working undercover as a consultant, to a life-changing encounter with Chloe, who introduces him to new social circles as she explores strong women and characters brought "forth and living in darkness" in a world-traversing romp through "two worlds that can never touch"...but, do.

—D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer

Hardcover Details
  • 10/2021
  • 978-1-7343234-5-0 1734323450
  • 228 pages
  • $25.00
