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Different brands of Carisoprodol | Health Naturo
Alice Dcoz, author
Carisoprodol is a muscle relaxer that is used to treat moderate to severe muscle pain. It is effective for such health issues and many doctors recommend taking the muscle relaxer to get better health benefits. It reduces body pain after 30 minutes of intake of the doses. This effective muscle relaxer is available in different brands in the market. The muscle relaxer brands are to be found in different strengths with similar efficacy as it contains carisoprodol as the main ingredient. The broadly available carisoprodol brands are Soma pill, Vanadom, Pro Soma, Watsom Soma, and Pain O Soma. There are a few alternative carisoprodol brands available such as Pills 5513, Soma Pill 111, SG 109 Pill, OP 35 Pill, etc.
