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James Gabler
Dine with Thomas Jefferson and Fascinating Guests
James Gabler, author
Dine with Thomas Jefferson and Fascinating Guests is a fact-based account of 25 Jefferson dinners featuring wine, food and conversation with George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abigail and John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Marquis de Lafayette, Dolley and James Madison, Meriwether Lewis, and many others at the White House, Monticello, Paris, Philadelphia, London, and the French wine country. Thomas Jefferson loved wine and food. Wine was a passion. He drank wine daily and called it a necessary of life. He sponsored the first commercial vineyard in America and clearly saw America's wine future: "We could in the United States make as great a variety of wines as are made in Europe, not exactly of the same kinds, but doubtless as good.” Jefferson's dinners at Monticello, the White House and his Paris residence were expressions of his knowledge and appreciation of wine and food that no American of his time would rival. Those who appreciate good food and wine, stimulating conversation, and the camaraderie of interesting people will find dining with Thomas Jefferson a fascinating experience
