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Disposable Bodies
The year is 2338, and Earth is a distant memory. The world is living in the future of Melvin Kadek, the richest man in the Solar System and savior of humanity. Centuries earlier, the threat of drastic changes in solar activity drove the billionaire tech investor to launch the Exodus, a space project of astounding vision through which humanity terraformed the moons of Jupiter and Saturn and created artificial livings spaces in the interiors of thousands of asteroids. Prosecutor Vireni Orlando, however, is preparing to arrest the man everyone believes to be a hero. She claims Kadek was responsible for the scorching of Earth and the super solar flare which not only rendered it uninhabitable, but also claimed the lives of billions still stuck on the planet. Now some of the victims have returned as digitized, new human consciousnesses, with an extraordinary leader at their head. She is spreading a new kind of technology throughout the Solar System: printable disposable bodies which give everyone the chance to escape the millennia-long prison of their body, and in doing so overcome death, humanity’s final enemy. The temptation of this transhumanist future, an existence both deathless and limitless, however, will shake the Solar System to its core.
