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Paperback Details
  • 07/2020
  • 978-1631295546
  • 164 pages
  • $15.49
Hardcover Details
  • 01/2023
  • 978-1662871009
  • 164 pages
  • $23.99
Joe Miller
Dog Walk Talk
Joe Miller, author

In the quiet moments of contemplation, we often find ourselves confronting profound questions that linger in the depths of our souls.

Have you, in those reflective moments we all experience, ever wondered:

Why do I sometimes feel I have 'that empty spot' in my heart?
Why do I do things that I really don't want to do?
Why don't I consistently do the things that I know I should do?
Am I somehow 'off' a bit?
Can I be a better person?
Am I okay?
Am I missing something about life?

In Dog Walk Talk, Joe Miller speaks directly to the everyday issues we all face that leave us asking those questions, and offers you hope and encouragement in your own walk to find the answers.

As a man who has crawled out of the ashes of a broken life, Joe uses stories, anecdotes, humor and more to allow you to see yourself in these pages as you, too, seek to find joy and inner peace regardless of your current circumstances.

In this book you will see yourself, possibly in a different light:
* You will find that as different as we all are, we are all quite the same.
* You will see that God meets each of us wherever we are at.
* You will be affirmed that you are a beloved child of God, no matter what.

If you have asked yourself any of those opening questions, this book is for you.

Join Joe Miller on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment in Dog Walk Talk. Let his words be your compass as you navigate the winding paths of life. Get your copy today and embrace the wisdom within these pages and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling tomorrow.

Joseph Martin Salaiz, author of 'Little Green Plant'

"This reading caused me to 'explore' my very 'Soul', and had me sitting up like a schoolboy at story time. Strongly causes one to self-evaluate, while offering hope in 'any season'. Exceptionally inspiring! Transparent and genuine, playing on 'the chords of the human spirit'."

multi-book author, Carmen Baca

"Following a specific format of diverse examples of human experiences common to all of us, Joe Miller gives us readers valuable insight into how we can work on ourselves by reading Dog Walk Talk.The narrative is easy to follow since Mr. Miller follows a prescriptive format for each topic. Beginning with a quote relevant to the subject he addresses, he follows by giving us readers a narrative of explanation. After this, he provides a specific instance where the quote applied to an event in his life in the segment he titles "About me," followed by asking "What about you," which makes us turn introspective. He allows us as his readers to apply the quote and think about how it applies to an event or experience in our own lives. Lastly, he leaves a Bible verse to guide us in our journey to self-awareness and self-improvement. Many times in this book, I found myself either connecting with a similar instance when I felt like he did in my own life or empathizing with something he went through which I did not. If you're looking for a self-help book to add to your library that meets every scenario you can think of that might apply to you, then Joe Miller's Dog Walk Talk is a good investment for your bookshelf. "

Paperback Details
  • 07/2020
  • 978-1631295546
  • 164 pages
  • $15.49
Hardcover Details
  • 01/2023
  • 978-1662871009
  • 164 pages
  • $23.99
