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Marilyn Raichle
Don't Walk Away
UNCORRECTED PROOF Don’t Walk Away, a Care Partner’s Journey (text with art) I grew up in the shadow of Alzheimer’s. Nearly everyone in Dad’s family and many in Mom’s developed the disease. Mom warned us. “Keep your distance. Your father and I will be in a safe place; there is nothing more you can do, so walk away.” I believed her. As I began my caregiver journey with Mom I saw only loss not the person, heard only confusion not the thought. Everything changed in an instant. Mom began to paint. Her fascinating paintings opened my eyes, ears, heart, and soul to a woman with so much to say, so much to give. Filled with hope, joy and lessons learned, and illuminated by Mom’s art, Don’t Walk Away is told as Mom lived, in moments, quickly forgotten but filled with laughter and discovery. And me, joining her, as a partner, building the best possible life for both of us. It is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. Thanks Mom.
