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Paperback Details
  • 03/2024
  • 195 pages
  • $24.99
Doreen by Doreen
Jo Ferrone, author

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Publish)

Hop on a one-way Greyhound journey to authenticity with "Doreen by Doreen," the unapologetically real and riotously funny odyssey of one woman's pursuit of everything from a GED to her very own Prince Charming. In Jo Ferrone's audaciously crafted narrative, we meet Doreen—undisputed queen of resilience and the antithesis of literary elitism. With her beat-up American Tourister, a suitcase more symbolic than practical, stuffed with tattered dreams and a loyalty card to life's hard knocks, Doreen is the furthest cry from Hemingway—and she owns it. This self-taught philosopher of the everyday embarks on an expedition that dances across the colorful linoleum of Wawas and Waffle Houses, swings through the enchanting gates of Disney World, and pirouettes in the dressing rooms of The Dress Barn. "Doreen by Doreen" isn't just a story. It's a vibrant, living testament to the grit it takes to glue together a life that's threatening to fall apart at every janky seam. Can our unconventional heroine finally lay down her Elmer's glue—both a literal adhesive and her less-than-glamorous metaphorical addiction—and piece together the fractured fairytale she deserves? With grammar that would make an English teacher weep but a narrative voice that will have you howling with laughter, "Doreen by Doreen" receives a proud C- in conventional composition but an A+ in heart, humor, and unparalleled human spirit. In a literary landscape stuffed to the gills with pretension and artifice, Doreen's voice—raw, irreverent, and profoundly sincere—cuts through like a hot knife through diner butter. In this dazzling rags-to-(almost)-riches tale, Ferrone invites you not just to read, but to experience the busted up Wheel of Fortune that is Doreen's life. It's an adventure in page-turning self-realization that only stops for gas, kitsch, and the occasional roadside epiphany. Buckle up—it's going to be a hilariously bumpy ride!
Kirkus Reviews

In Ferrone’s novel, an adult high school dropout earning her GED reflects on life’s lessons.

Twenty-nine-year-old Doreen Kablowski’s unique take on life shines through in the autobiography she’s writing as a requirement to get her high school equivalency degree. Although she grew up in Orlando, Florida, she writes of not having “a Disney-type of experience when I was growing up as a little girl…it would have been better if I had no father because there was nothing magical about him.” She’s in recovery as a glue-huffing addict; she hasn’t done it for more than a year, but she started at age 6. “All’s I know is that the shouting and crashing and hiding and running all felt a little less bad with a hit of rubber cement.” After dropping out of school in ninth grade, her life winds through a marriage and a life in the Berkshires, through a string of bad relationships, and onto a Greyhound bus back to her home city. Things take a detour after a love-at-first-sight meeting with Augusto, an undocumented worker at a Wawa convenience store in Jacksonville, Florida. Later, on the way to Orlando alone, she meets a kind older man named Rajiwho takes her to his ashram; there they meet Saul, the cousin of the ashram’s deceased founder. This unlikely trio form a strong bond and move to Orlando together, where Doreen and Raji join Narcotics Anonymous and Doreen gets a job playing Snow White at Disney World, all while struggling to move forward in her life. Readers may find the narrative structure of Ferrone’s novel to be confusing at times, with its conversational, stream-of-consciousness style, but the approach does convey Doreen’s perspective well. The realistic details of her life as a Disney princess can be amusing: “As Snow White you’re not supposed to haul off and punch somebody in the face even if they have it coming because it could scare the kids.” Overall, Ferrone’s protagonist proves to be an engaging character, and readers will root for her success as she struggles to get her life together.

A somewhat scattered but endearing romp.

Paperback Details
  • 03/2024
  • 195 pages
  • $24.99
