Plot/Idea: Down the Well kicks off with a chilling premise. In the aftermath of a devastating event that left dozens of corpses buried with soil in their stomachs, a lawyer notates a diary full of bizarre ramblings left amidst the bodies. The work alternates between the continued investigation into the happening and surreal passages from the diary.
Prose: The bulk of the diary is written in a potent, jarring style filled with disjointed musings, irreverent observations, and violent descriptions, fitting for the voice of the mysterious author in question. Readers may find the reading experience to be disorienting, but they are ultimately rewarded by the conclusion.
Originality: Down the Well has a uniquely creepy storyline that will immediately capture the reader's interest. The integration of a diary left behind at the scene of what may or may not be mass murder or a supernatural event, allows readers to feel as though they are active participants in the unfolding story.
Character/Execution: The central characters emerge in relationship to the diary itself, so they aren't afforded full interiority on their own terms; instead, they become extensions of the mystery at-hand. Fans of horror who enjoy being kept in the dark along with the protagonists will relish this outing.
Date Submitted: July 30, 2023