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Louise Worthington
Dr Glass
Clinical psychologist Dr Emma-Jane Glass falls for her captor when the roles of client and therapist are reversed in a psychologically layered story of revenge and grief. Is it a case of Stockholm Syndrome, or something else? When Dr Emma-Jane Glass’ interview on local radio is deemed to be sympathetic towards a mother’s actions to kill herself and young child, Drew Rogers hatches a plan to teach the psychologist a thing or two about being left behind as a spouse. Abducted and held captive in an empty property, Dr Glass swaps places in the psychologist’s chair. Drew puts the motivation of his wife’s actions down to his extra-marital affairs, but then the sordid truth behind his family’s disappearance is revealed. Hard-hitting and emotional, Dr Glass is the first novel in the Glass Minds Series from the author of Rachel's Garden, The Entrepreneur, Willow Weeps and Rosie Shadow.
