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Dr. Sadler and The Urantia Book
Sioux Oliva, author
Dr. Sadler and The Urantia Book: The Historic Origins of a Spiritual Revelation in the 20th Century. This is a biography of Dr. William Sadler (1875-1969), a well-known Chicago physician and psychiatrist who led a double life. In 1911, a group of celestial beings began to speak through one of his patients. For the next three decades, Dr. Sadler and his wife, Dr. Lena Kellogg Sadler, had hundreds of night visits with the celestials. William Sadler was a general practitioner, surgeon, and later a psychiatrist; Lena, a groundbreaking doctor in the field of public health, focused on women’s and children’s medicine. By day they practiced medicine; by night they recorded what the celestial beings revealed. Theses events culminated in the publication of The Urantia Book in 1955. My book argues that William S. Sadler was a religious genius, a prophet, and the “contact” for these beings. When he acted as the scribe for these revelations he hypothesized that he was connected to the cosmic mind circuit of the universe. Throughout his life he said even that if he were to tell everything he knew about the contacts, we would still not understand because not even he himself fully understood the process.
