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Dragons of Destrui: The Complete Series
Arlin Creed, author
The Complete Villain Origin Story. With gifts from the gods, she's believed to be the savior of their world. Scarlett has only ever wanted the commoners outside her court to be healthy and fed, but a group of females, dubbed The Daughters of the Queen have radical ideas for gender equality when Scarlett's ascension to the throne is announced. While Scarlett fights against the lies and deception thrust upon, she's offered refuge with the Master of Realms. Poison and hatred seep into her soul as she seeks out those responsible for the decay of the realm. The Master molds her to his will, teaching her patience and control over her new found violent nature and finding her own strength from within. With The Master at her side, no throne is safe as she rights the wrongs of the realm. Unfortunately for them, she no longer houses a soul of her own.
