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Kory M. Shrum
Dying for Her: A Companion Novel (Dying for a Living Book 3)

Adult; Mystery/Thriller

As he counts down the days until he dies, veteran detective James T. Brinkley struggles to keep his imminent death a secret, from one of the only people who can save him - Jesse Sullivan, a replacement agent with the rare ability to die--then resurrect. But every replacement is dangerous, leaving Jesse more vulnerable each time. And it's his job to protect her. He will do whatever he can to fulfill this duty. He will not let her sacrifice herself, even if that means facing his death alone. Yet they are outmatched by the sadist who hunts them. Still, he searches his dark past for clues and a way to save his future. But Brinkley has exhausted his options and buried his closest friends. If he cannot be saved, his only wish is to prepare Jesse for the danger ahead.
