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Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2013
  • 9780982058466 0982058462
  • 148 pages
  • $15.00
Rick Lupert
Author, Editor (anthology)
Ekphrastia Gone Wild: Poems Inspired by Art
Rick Lupert, editor (anthology)
Ekphrastia Gone Wild is an anthology of ekphrastic poetry – poetry inspired by other works of art (including painting, film, literature, photography and more) including work by Nobel Prize winning poet Wislawa Szymborska along with a roster of 87 poets from all over the world including Suzanne Lummis, Laurel Ann Bogen, Jerry Quickly, Brendan Constantine, Gerald Locklin, Robert Wynne and many more, edited by Los Angeles poet Rick Lupert.
Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2013
  • 9780982058466 0982058462
  • 148 pages
  • $15.00
