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Ebook Details
  • 09/2023
  • eBook ISBN: 979-8-9882911-1-4
  • 336 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 09/2023
  • Print ISBN: 979-8-9882911-0-7
  • 336 pages
  • $16.00
Susan K. Field
Eleanor's Song

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

Dive into a coming-of-age, a thriller, above all a story of redemption and hope in Eleanor's Song. Inspired by true events and set amid the backdrop of the Great Depression, World War II, and the western migration, Eleanor Owens learns lessons about the ties that make a family strong, how to endure, and about her own resolve.

Field brings forth an historical tale of family, trauma, love, and determination in the Pacific Northwest in the era of the Depression, the second World War, and beyond. With little to her name in a time of great hardship, young Eleanor Owens, an orphan, learns what it’s like to be poor and unwanted. We watch as she grows into a teenager, living with her grandmother but suffering tragedy after tragedy in her personal life. Although her mind is set on her future from a young age, especially the promise of the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps whose posters she keeps seeing, life and circumstances often get in the way of those dreams. Eleanor’s negotiation of these challenges is the heart of this captivating novel.

The power of this story will capture readers’ hearts from the first pages. Field weaves lively historical detail throughout, capturing the textures of life, as Eleanor and her friend Janice get caught up in changing fashions and times: “when I get enough money, I want one of those dresses that shows girls’ knee,” Janice boldly declares, while Eleanor’s excited for shoulder pads. Eleanor’s growth is compelling and crisply told, from her tender yet naive youth to the strength and unwavering determination with which she’ll eventually protect herself and the ones she loves. This warm, relatable story will enfold readers of women’s and historical fiction, as it showcases, with wisdom and grace, a child blossoming into an adult and all the heartaches and joys that come with it.

Field’s careful dedication to what the world felt like amid these tumultuous events, including war-time scarcity and tension, gives everyday moments great resonance, but as Eleanor overcomes disappointments and starts a family of her own the detail never comes at the expense of narrative or emotional urgency. The prose sings, and Field offers welcome insight into life’s most vulnerable moments. Historical fiction readers will find this compelling novel of growth and perseverance one to treasure.

Takeaway: Moving story of a young woman’s maturation during the second World War.

Comparable Titles: Jojo Moyes’s The Giver of Stars, Kristina McMorris’s Sold on a Monday.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Dr. MaryJane Nordgren, author of The Nandria Series and Early: Logging Tales Too

"Such power ... captured so much in a realistic and loved character." 

Joshua Max Feldman, author of Start Without Me and The Book of Jonah

"The novel displays great flair for description, particularly of nature, and the portrayal of poor, rural America in the first half of the century is more than convincing ... Your storytelling makes for enjoyable reading."  ​

Paula Sheller Adams, author of This Little Space and A Bear in My Sky

"Dialogue is brilliant and convincing ... had me on the edge of my chair ..."

Amazon Books Promotes Eleanor's Song as Top New Release for Classic Coming-of-Ag

Amazon designated Eleanor's Song as Top New Release for Classic Coming-of-Age Fiction. 

Cover Reveal

Announcing ... Eleanor's Song cover reveal.See the beautiful cover of this historical novel. It was designed by Gwen Patch, a graphics professional. In the background of the front cover, is a peak in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon. Sunflowers grow in that region's plateaus and fertile valleys--where Eleanor lived--while lupines grow wild in the foothills. 

Eleanor's Song Invited to "Memories--Real and Imagined" Mother's Day EVent

Valley Art Gallery in Forest Grove, Oregon, invitede Eleanor's Song and me to celebrate mothers on Saturday, May 11, 2024. Four visual artists will display their paintings in honor of their mothers. I was invited to share my book, Eleanor's Song, the only literary arts submission because the story is inspired by my mother's early life

Prestigious Willamette Writers Invites Eleanor's Song to Portland Book Festival

Willamette Writers invited my book, Eleanor’s Song, and me to engage with readers and sign at their booth at the Portland Book Festival! Willamette Writers is the largest writers’ organization in the Pacific Northwest, and the Portland Book Festival is the premier event for book enthusiasts. Join us on Saturday, November 4, at 4 p.m., Portland Art Museum, 1219 SW Park Ave, Portland.

Ebook Details
  • 09/2023
  • eBook ISBN: 979-8-9882911-1-4
  • 336 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 09/2023
  • Print ISBN: 979-8-9882911-0-7
  • 336 pages
  • $16.00
