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Morland Matthews
Emotional Cartography: Journeys Through Lands and Hearts Embark on a captivating ten-day journey through Europe in 'Emotional Cartography: Journeys Through Lands and Hearts.' Experience the historical and cultural vibrance of London, Ghent, and Paris, set against the backdrop of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. From Wimbledon's elite competition to Bastille Day's celebration of freedom, each city offers a unique blend of art, history, and sports, deeply enriching this narrative. This book not only charts a geographical journey but also maps the human emotions evoked by these global events. Through a mix of adventure, cultural exploration, and emotional depth, 'Emotional Cartography' invites readers to explore the intricate tapestry of human experience across Europe's storied landscapes. Discover the soul-stirring power of sports, art, and historical reflection, and perhaps find new facets of yourself along the way.

