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Emotional Healing: Experience Balance and Self-Empowerment in an Age of Rapid Change

You have the power to change your mind and experience a renewed sense of clarity. You can gain the confidence and self-empowerment necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing world. The key to peace of mind is learning to release the past, relax about the future, and enjoy the present moment without stress or worry.

How can we possibly release, relax, and enjoy when so much that we have known appears to be falling apart? Having to survive when needing to deal with isolation, a pandemic, political unrest, and economic devastation is overwhelming.

Emotional Healing begins with discovering the real you, what you believe, and how to establish emotional balance. It is helpful to become aware of the beliefs that activate your fears, which are based on all negative emotions, including worry, anxiety, and stress.

It is fear that creates an imbalance in your life. Fear influences the state of your health, relationships, career, and blocks and camouflages future opportunities. Obviously, we must learn to deal with our fears.

As a lifelong student of psychology, philosophy, religion, and spirituality, Verlaine Crawford has been a businesswoman and personal consultant for nearly fifty years. During that time, she has become very aware of how people react to each other and events. Her continuous quest has been to understand herself and others and how we interact to establish our perceived reality.

The techniques and visualizations in this book have been used for herself and to help others. They are meant to provide methods to recover from difficult events, heal, and move forward as quickly as possible.

In this book, you will find easy-to-use tools, which will help reduce stress and anxiety and release memories of loss and pain. You will learn how to forgive yourself and others and gain a new perspective on life.

The “The Four Cornerstones of Life” provides a balance point to expand your well-being, and the “Ten Steps to Self-Empowerment” will begin the journey to recharge your life.

“It is my wish that Emotional Healing will help you experience a rewarding and harmonious life in the years to come.” Verlaine Crawford

5-Star Review by Erin Nicole Cochran for Readers' Favorite

Let it heal you the way it has me. We all need it, especially right now.

Verlaine Crawford's nonfiction self-help book Emotional Healing is packed to the top with everything that we hope for in a nonfiction book. It is all meat and no fat or "filler and fluff" that a good deal of self-help books tend to provide us with as readers in this modern age. There are exercises of visualizations that promote positive outcomes in our lives. Examples of those positive outcomes being health, wealth, and finding creativity and our true selves, somewhere deep down underneath all the clutter of who we think we should be, and how we should be.

Emotional Healing by Verlaine Crawford is a book I wish I could take with me to the grave whenever I'm headed for it. There are so many profound pages, excerpts, and quotes in this book that it was hard to pick just one that I wanted to praise to the heavens. However, this quote on page 115 spoke to me on a number of levels and hopefully it will resonate with other prospective readers as well. "Each statement is a commandment." This quote held up a mirror to my own life in many ways, as we do internalize the words we say daily, as well as the words that we hear from others, even when we aren't aware that is exactly what we're doing. The part that words can play in our lives is not a small role, but a starring one. And they can either damage us, sometimes to an irrevocable degree, or they can do the very opposite and continue to build us up to such a point that we're standing strong and tall on our own two feet.

You need Verlaine Crawford's Emotional Healing; let it heal you the way it has me. We all need it, especially right now.

5-Star Review by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

You will learn to focus deeply on harnessing the power for positive change within your own mind and spirit!

"Emotional Healing:  Experience Balance and Self-Empowerment in an Age of Rapid Change!" is a work that focuses deeply on harnessing the power for positive change within your own mind and spirit, as well as growing a true sense of self-empowerment through a comprehensive step-by-step program.

The work covers dozens of topics in a world where change can be sudden, unpredictable, and rapid, and shows readers how to uncloud their vision from such problems and keep their power in order to solve or move past them.

Author Verlaine Crawford has crafted a concise yet jam-packed advice book with plenty of positive steps that readers can implement even from their first sitting and engagement with the text. It is clear from the natural and confident tone of the narration that this is an author who has had a long-running experience with rising above trauma, letting go, and moving forward in positive steps, and this truly empowers every chapter with the kind of support that readers need on their journey to healing.

The organization of the work itself is also both logical and supportive, building on ideas and ranging into deeper, more difficult topics as it progresses until readers become ready to act and empower themselves toward a better life. 

I would certainly recommend Emotional Healing: Experience Balance and Self-Empowerment in an Age of Rapid Change! for anyone who is struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel right now.

5-Star Review By Lesley Jones for Readers' Favorite

As I worked my way through Emotional Healing, I couldn't help but nod my head in agreement and admit, 'She gets it!' 

Throughout everyone's life, we have to face uncertain and worrying times. Whether it be in our relationships, careers, family, or friendships, life is going to throw you disruptive and upsetting curveballs that can tear your world apart. So how can we remain positive, productive, and calm when everything around us seems to be chaotic? Can we possibly learn to forgive and let go of the negative thoughts and beliefs that are holding us back?

With almost fifty years of experience as a personal consultant and businesswoman, with a passion for psychology, philosophy, religion, and spirituality, Verlaine Crawford will share her techniques for steering you through any emotional storm in Emotional Healing. Discover how to reduce stress, anxiety, overcome debilitating fear, rationalize negative memories, and beliefs. Learn how your brain processes information and why subconsciously you may be the largest roadblock preventing you from achieving happiness. Uncover the methods to unlock your hidden resources, talents, and capabilities that can lead to a renewed vitality for life.

As I worked my way through Emotional Healing, I couldn't help but nod my head in agreement and admit, 'She gets it!' I am overwhelmed by the extent of the knowledge I have gained from this magnificent guide. Learn how the brain processes information acquired from our environment and past experiences, and how these beliefs are then hard-wired as facts in our minds to spotting the thought patterns that trigger fear, anger, and anxiety.

I loved the visualization techniques throughout, they were so simple to follow but really powerful. I found the Drop the Pebble technique the most useful for me. The chapter on dealing with isolation is going to help so many people who cannot be with their loved ones right now. The section on AI in this chapter was really eye-opening.

I thought the use of analogies throughout brought everything to life visually. My particular favorite was the conflicting inner dialogue we have regarding what we want; 'Captain of a Pirate Ship and the crew is planning mutiny.' The section on sub-personalities was extremely enlightening as was the chapter on depression and the work of Dr. Maltz.

The icing on the cake was the final chapter covering 'Ten Steps to Self-Empowerment,' which was absolutely amazing. This book is going to be of tremendous value to you!

