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Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2024
  • 9798985610994
  • 194 pages
  • $19.99
Ebook Details
  • 04/2024
  • 183 pages
  • $4.99
hydrus Author
Everyone deserves love, understanding, to be heard, and, above all, hope. As I began to write this book, penning thoughts and ideas about this very notion, I found myself in a place where the world sometimes appears overwhelmingly dark. I believe our minds and hearts resonate with that darkness too. Surrounded by negativity, often stemming from those around us, we may begin to doubt ourselves and our convictions. I hope that by reading this book, you can find some direction, motivation, or perhaps even inspiration. A glimmer of light during dark and challenging times. I hope you will recognize that we all possess our own beauty. That each and every one of us has the power to shape our own destinies, rewrite our own stories, and uncover the true beauty that resides within us all. There is so much to explore, see, and experience out there. Our own horizons are limitless and vast. We all deserve to venture and pursue our own happiness, and it begins with the infinite ways we need to believe in and love ourselves.

“I want to find myself in you
and lose myself in your soul”

ENDfinity is nothing like Hydrus’ other poetry books. And frankly it was refreshing. Sure, there’s still the angsty vibes, but this book was just so different.

Within the pages of ENDfinity, there’s something for everyone – there’s poems about love, finding yourself, motivational, sad/pain, and happiness.

Hydrus seriously has a way with words and pulls you in. Definitely think it’s time to devour his backlist!

“You are more than a moment”

Closing my kindle after finishing, I almost felt as if I could breathe easier, my mind was clearer, and I felt understood.

Side note: I’m absolutely obsessed with this cover – the blues are gorgeous. And the artwork is so fitting with the poems and the cover.

2nd side note: If possible, get the paperback to read ENDfinity because it’s easier to see the beautiful photography.


What a wonderful book to inspire and uplift you. The photography alone spoke volume's. The words "stop blaming yourself for everyone's sins" uplifted me. I loved your words of inspiration. Your poems were deep and very meaningful and healing for my soul. _Melodie


This new collection ENDfinity by Hydrus as always leaves me with such raw emotions. The way some of his poems speak to me, touching memories and emotions that I thought I had left behind. Leaving me with a sense of serenity and love. Empowering words, a balm for your soul. It starts from the art cover to the beauty in his pictures. Just the way he’s able to capture with his words, his art and photography a peaceful emotion it’s perfection. ENDfinity was everything I didn’t know I needed. Looking forward to more of his work.

Trust in the beauty that I see in you

Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2024
  • 9798985610994
  • 194 pages
  • $19.99
Ebook Details
  • 04/2024
  • 183 pages
  • $4.99
