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Rodger Carlyle
Enemy Patriots
His family imprisoned on a visit to Japan, Mark Ishihara is ordered to the family fish processing plant across the bay from America’s only military base in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands. With the planned bombing of Pearl Harbor only months away, his job is to spy for Japan, as they prepare to seize American territory. Mark’s blood brother, U.S. Army pilot Chad Gritt is sent to the same island as part of a secret American intelligence group. The two men are forever tied by a terrible accident that killed each of their brothers. Their childhood trauma makes Chad a recluse and Mark the life of the party, each struggling to connect with the women they care about. The two reunite only miles from the accident site, each spying for the other side. Personal and nationalistic loyalties tear at relationships as war slams into the North Pacific.
The Prairies Book Review

Intense and intimate… A fast-paced historical thriller.

Carlyle’s latest is a richly evoked story of friendship, love, trauma, loyalty, and brotherhood. With his family imprisoned on a visit to Japan, Mark Ishihara has no option but to accept spying for Japan as the Japanese prepare for their seizing of American territory. Mark’s blood brother, U.S. Army pilot Chad Gritt is sent to the same place as part of a secret American intelligence group. Forever tied by a terrible accident that killed each of their brothers, Mark and Chad find their friendship and loyalties tested as war slams into the North Pacific. The novel is fast-paced, humane, and full of profound philosophical questions and observations. Carlyle’s voice is distinct, and his sharp insights and keen observations bring both character and setting to life. The book’s focus stays on individual struggles and trauma as he explores the resilience of the human soul and humanity’s ability to move forward in the face of tragic loss. Well-constructed and vivid segments are interspersed detailing the friends’ backstories as they struggle to come to terms with their individual burdens: the defining loss in the past has left Chad a recluse; Mark has become the life of the party. Along the way, Carlyle fills in the dark and complicated history of the era. Carlyle’s storytelling is expert, and the intriguing, original concept makes for extra plus points. Written with beauty and conviction, this transporting drama of friendship and love is steeped in intrigue. A finely constructed page-turner that fans of historical thrillers can pick without thinking twice. Highly recommended!

