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Ebook Details
  • 08/2023
  • 452 pages
  • $20
Paperback Details
  • 08/2023
  • 9781446767634
  • 452 pages
  • $88
Hardcover Details
  • 08/2023
  • 452 pages
  • $89.99
Jonathan Nolan
Author, Illustrator, Contributor, Editor (anthology)
Epic Fantasy RPG

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

EPIC FANTASY RPG A complete fantasy role-playing game! MURDER HOBOS NEED NOT APPLY! This book adapts the SRD to FASERIP system, while preserving the classic fantasy role-playing flavor! 450+ pages, complete adaptation of the SRD pursuant to the OGL, a complete game, game world, the works.Using the FASERIPopedia version of FASERIP. Some of the stuff will be familiar to our existing fans; ALL of it has been rewritten especially for this book plus hundreds of pages adapted from the SRD - but again, rewritten, modified and amalgamated.Modular monsters means many more! MANY more - horrible hybrids illustrated with a few examples demonstrates the origin and practice of half-this / half-that creatures like the Owlbear (and Bearowl); various equivalents of templates not only shift statistics but radically alter the nature of Animals and other living threats. The SRD Dragons are there - as well as Orchard Dragons, Cave Dragons, Pink Dragons, Sea Dragons and more! Gods are covered - in a way that allows that classic old school fighting gods (with [truly tiny] chance of victory) but also maps out how they work in a campaign and how many worshippers they need to keep their god power! Encounters - simple encounter charts with day / night differences! Items - there's no gold pieces but there are Wealth or Resources checks to purchase things - and there are a LOT of things to purchase! The SRD classes are there - joined by some friends! The SRD Races and subraces are there - also joined by some new playmates! Level progressions for Dark Lords - not so much for players to use but so the local existential threat makes sense in the context of your game world! Beautiful, heart stoppingly beautiful at times - plentiful art! Conversion rules to take OSR and d20 based resources into the EPIC FANTASY worlds! EPIC FANTASY is exactly what it says: EPIC. FANTASY. No murder hobos, no mindless accumulation of gold pieces. Yes indeed you can accumulate Wealth; but you can also become a Baron of your own Barony, investigate and defeat Dark Lords, compete in non-lethal competitions, and naturally learn and cast spells. But it is solidly on the FASERIP side of the fence. You play a hero, an anti-hero or a villain; you don't get to play fast and loose with morality or bad behavior at the gaming table in the same concerning and honestly problematic way as is the case in far too many OSR and SRD derived games. We can be better than that; EPIC FANTASY shows the way, we hope! In EPIC FANTASY the Limitations of a character determine their Karma and if they disobey those Limitations - including alignment codes of conduct - they lose ALL their accumulated Karma. And Karma is used to buy all forms of character improvement from Class Levels to ability increases to additions to your Stronghold if you rise to become a Baron!

Diving into this RPG game book was a captivating journey from start to finish. What truly sets this RPG apart is its narrative freedom. The open-ended quests and decisions don't just impact the storyline, they shape it. Your choices ripple across the pages, crafting a unique saga that's entirely your own. This level of agency is a testament to the thoughtful design that went into this game book. As a long-time fan of RPGs, I can confidently say this game book rekindled my passion for immersive storytelling. It's more than a book—it's a gateway to adventure, a wellspring of creativity, and an odyssey of the mind. If you seek to lose yourself in a world where imagination knows no bounds, look no further. This RPG game book is an enchanting masterpiece that deserves a place on every adventurer's shelf. I've started working on a couple campaign mindwebs and can't wait to see what comes to fruition. 11/10.


These mad scientists actually did it! Even if you aren't interested in the setting, this is a testament to game conversion! If you enjoy any FASERIP games, the statblocks alone worth the buy. If you're just somewhat interested in game design, this book is a great example of the upper limits of effort.


I’ve been an OSR (Old School Renaissance) gamer for a number of years now, but I’m also a huge fan of FASERIP. So when I heard FASERIPopedia came out, colour me excited to say the least. It basically covered everything I could want in one superb tome. Now, we have Epic fantasy released. I was curious as to what the author could do with mixing the two. Well, after getting my mitts on it I was’nt disappointed. If you like old-school fantasy games but want an elegant set of mechanics that won’t break down at higher levels then this has you covered. You’ve got all the character options and more besides, all wrapped up in the easy to use FASERIP system. But Epic Fantasy is much more than just a OSR fantasy conversion it not only brings you all the details you need for making old school fantasy games, but a plethora of new material that you can port into your fantasy world. All the player races are there as well as a multitude of classes. There’s a wealth of, treasure, monsters and magical items detailed too. All in all this book clocks in at over 452 pages, and for $18 that’s a steal, imo. If you like old school fantasy and want everything you could want in one book then I highly advise you to check this out. It’s five stars from me.

by Robert P. [Verified Purchaser]Date Added: 08/28/2023 05:57:58


I brought this book on a friends recommendation and I'm very impressed. They have put a lot of work into the 450-plus pages in this book and the effort has paid off. This book covers off a lot of subject material ranging from game mechanics, character creation, world building and a pretty decent beastery.

As a player I am just going through the character creation process now and I have to say it has a good amount of detail but is easy to follow.

The step by step process is well structured from start to finish and seems to be quite robust. I believe this could be used quite easily by veteran players and newbies alike (including kids).

I think the artwork is really cool and seems to key well with the content.

World and dungeon generation are amazing and like the charecter creation process are quite comprehensive. Just reading through these sections i see a lot of scope and I'm starting to get quite a few ideas which I will be discussing with my gaming group.

I'm fairly new to FASERIP but have been dabbling with various RPG systems for most of my life (including an embarassing amount of d20). However I am really looking foward to developing a world and a story campaign with my friends using this book.

Well worth $20 IMHO. 5 Stars. :)

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]

by Nick H. [Verified Purchaser]Date Added: 09/06/2023 02:34:45


I bought this game on a whim, feeling a bit nostalgic for the old GURPS and Rolemaster games of my youth. I like this rules set! The author clearly has a similar appreciation for the simplicity of old school gaming, informed with a streamlined sensibility for character creation and world-building that only a veteran GM can boast.

The first thing that may strike you is bang for your buck. 452 pages for a $20 USD pdf is really a rather good deal. For that you get a totally inclusive rules-set including basic mechanics, character creation, a choice of more than twenty-five classes, more than ten playable races, numerous dynamics for travel, dungeon-crawling, life in the setting, wealth, social standing, equipment, treasure, magical item compendium and, of course, combat. There is a bestiary included as well, covering a good many of the creatures one might expect out of a classic D&D adventure plus more than a few concocted solely for this setting.

Expect lots of tables! This game is definitely for those people who have an appreciation for plenty of information laid out in concise format. Even so, the system is easy to grasp and not at all full of complex rules or excessive crunch. Think the love-child AD&D 1st edition/ Unearthed Arcana meets GURPS (4th edition) and you have the general idea. One of the aspects of Epic Fantasy I like is the capacity to run it in solo mode for those looking to throw something together for giggles on a rainy Monday evening. I've yet to test this but look forward to doing so.

Mechanics and resolutions are simple. Each player selects abilities and skill ranks, arriving at a certain percentile proficiency level within a number of criteria along typical RPG lines: Strength, Agility, Fighting Prowess, Psyche, etc. The only dice required are a pair of d10s, as all actions are resolved via percentile chance modified by skill ranks, abilities, and situational modifiers. Quite simple, even elegant.

Artwork is a mishmash of styles ranging between line art to digital, with due credit given to artists as might be expected and appreciated. My instinct is that much of it was selected for similarities to the style of Erol Otis.

I give Epic Fantasy five stars out of five. It's worth your hard earned treasure!

by Damien E. [Verified Purchaser]Date Added: 08/28/2023 03:09:45


Holy sh!t-snacks there is a lot in this one. Someone needs to take what is in here and start generating game worlds. I have not started playing a campaign with this one yet, but I have busted out the character and game-world creation charts. They are clear and - more importantly - the ideas pop. I rolled up a random character... half-dragon swordsman (aka legal duellist) with what clearly were private detective skills and background. Right there, I started thinking about the world he lived in... the people he interacted with... Campaign ideas started flowing. I tried again... an elven wizard apprentice with unknown (lost) parents... again, campaign ideas flowed. And using the charts and rules provided, the details began to fill into the imaginative ideas generated. It just made sense in a way I haven't seen in gamebooks in a while.

Ebook Details
  • 08/2023
  • 452 pages
  • $20
Paperback Details
  • 08/2023
  • 9781446767634
  • 452 pages
  • $88
Hardcover Details
  • 08/2023
  • 452 pages
  • $89.99
