Plot: The plot flows chronologically and moves at a consistent pace. The conflict is established clearly and provides a satisfying immediacy and tension to the narrative. The ending presents resolution to the story while leaving room for further stories set in this world without overtly teasing such or leaving the reader on a cliffhanger.
Prose: The writing is clean and the dialogue snappy. The characters are effectively rendered, and their individual motivations propel the narrative.
Originality: The future the narrative presents is thoroughly depicted and will intrigue readers. The book effectively interpolates contemporary issues we face (global health, overpopulation, authoritarianism and technocracies, climate change) thoughtfully forward to a sci-fi future.
Character/Execution: The characters’ individual motivations and personalities are crafted with care and effectively dimensional and dynamic. The complexity of character development helps propel the plot beyond your standard save-the-dystopian-world pattern.
Date Submitted: June 11, 2021