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DIdi Anofienem
Essien of Alkebulan
Essien of Alkebulan tells the story of Essien, the first woman to join Alkebulan’s formidable military power structure. Fueled by ancestral magic and the power of gods on earth, Essien becomes the physical embodiment of a goddess as she strives to empower herself and her country. Spanning several centuries, Essien of Alkebulan, parts one through four are set in Alkebulan, a re-imagined Africa that was never colonized or subjugated by foreign powers. Instead, the Alkebulan of Essien’s world is overflowing with magic, central to the world’s economies, and the most powerful country on earth. After a freak drowning accident at a lake, Essien develops superhuman abilities that do not become obvious until she joins the military. Her admission into the military comes soon after the new President lifts the ban on women enlisting. Her story takes a violent turn when she is brutally attacked and must take a colleague’s life to protect her own. Surviving the attack forces her to stand trial for murder. Her ascent to the top ranks of the military accelerates very quickly beyond anything she ever planned. Her new role in the military involves guarding the President as a personal bodyguard, often having to keep him safe from his own arrogant blunderings. Essien becomes known for how brutal she is willing to be to protect his administration from coups, riots, wars, and terrorist attacks. When the President institutes a presidential life term, Essien has become so involved in the government’s labyrinth that she doesn’t question anything she is told and continues carrying out her orders, even against her fellow citizens. After having been the President’s bodyguard for several years, makes a decision that will separate her from the President and his growing power over her and the country. She decides to leave him before allowing him to use her powers to abuse his position and authority.
