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AES O'Neill
Even Climate Change Can't Stop Love And Murder
AES O'Neill, author
Crossing the United States to relocate to their new witness protection home in Arizona, Ginger and Alby’s search for love is marred by violent interludes with insurrectionists, white supremacists, and jihadists. Yet the worse threat of all is the fury of climate chaos-- storms beyond measure, a bitter fact of life in 2026. And as our characters soon discover, these storms’ death and destruction becomes very personal. Even Climate Change Can't Stop Love and Murder: Paying the Price is the second novel of this romance thriller series and offers a uniquely American vision of love and murder, trauma, and healing. Traveling with Alby, Ginger shares her life with him, but not the dark secrets of her childhood which explain so much of her strong, determined character. Their dialogue is based on the snappy patter of the 1930s. All the threads of their old life and new, culminate at Tuzigoot Pueblo national monument, where Ginger and Alby face certain death, —and someone does pay the price.
