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Ebook Details
  • 03/2023
  • 978-0-473-67232-4
  • 28 pages
  • $0.00
Even the Least of These
PD Dawn, author
Two lonely children. Two women facing uncertainty. One God who sees each. When lonely six-year-old Izzy Jones quite literally steps into eight-year-old Sean Taylor’s friendless world in Dublin’s Phoenix Park, he feels more than a little frustrated with her interruption. It doesn’t help that her demanding questions remind him of his neighbourhood’s bully. Sean’s unfriendliness doesn’t daunt Izzy, but when she gets up to head to the swings she has come for, she is surprised he wants to go too. No one – not even her parents – has ever wanted to be with her. As far as she’s concerned, this makes him special. Seeing from a distance her young son has made a friend; Sean’s young mother Siobhan Taylor is delighted and slowly walks the park’s paths while watching them and thanking her Heavenly Father for answering her prayers. But when Siobhan’s faith is challenged to help someone, she isn’t keen. Someone who is not deserving of her attention. Someone who has helped make her young son’s life a misery. Will she be as brave as she has always believed she would be? When Nanny Maureen overhears the future being mapped out for her young charge and herself, she must decide whether she will go her way or trust the One who holds her life in His hands.
Ebook Details
  • 03/2023
  • 978-0-473-67232-4
  • 28 pages
  • $0.00
