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Ebook Details
  • 06/2016
  • 978-0-9971734-4-4 B01HQIBADY
  • 729 pages
  • $2.99
Michael Seidel
Everything Not Known
Everything Not Known tells the stories of creationists and realists attempting to establish reality and the revelation of one within Randy creating realities to protect Randy. Reality isn’t as stable as believed. One minute humans are working at an Ashland, Oregon, coffee shop in the United States and in another they’re an orange skinned lizard…working in a coffee shop in an empire…and unaware anything is different. Sir Richard works for an Emperor ruling one of the Nine Powers. He can finesse his sword and a few other personal matters into existence but his greatest gifts are his knowledge that reality changes and the skill to cross realities and track others. Ashland, Oregon, is in an Earth reality that’s largely ignored. Everyone is surprised when Ashland undergoes a changed reality. Randy, though, remembers the previous reality and his life. Other than that and worrying whether he’s going crazy, Randy considers himself a regular guy, telecommunicating to work, drinking beer and enjoying ballgames while coping with his fracturing marriage and life’s disappointments. Richard recognizes Randy isn’t a regular guy. Sra Lhasa is a creationist out to create her perfect reality. Having this many times, she’s concluded succeeding requires destroying other realists, creationists and their realities. She doesn’t realize another manipulates her to maintain the reality Randy prefers. This is the being that resides deep within Randy’s mind…. Everything Not Known tells of Richard and Sra Lhasa’s race to the end, when Randy’s alter ego succeeds and re-establishes Randy’s reality as a normal guy. Along the way come the revelations that he battles the stars to sustain a reality where Randy can exist as a human, and his alter ego’s long arc of mastering and manipulating the others who thought they were the masters. In the end, Randy is the stabilizing force balancing the chaos his alter ego would wreak on existence.
Ebook Details
  • 06/2016
  • 978-0-9971734-4-4 B01HQIBADY
  • 729 pages
  • $2.99
