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Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2023
  • 9798218281373
  • 240 pages
  • $19.99
Shaley Howard
Excuse Me, Sir! Memoir of a Butch
As a young child, in many ways, Shaley didn’t stand a chance. Growing up as a closeted lesbian in the 1970’s, in a dysfunctional family with an often mentally unstable mother, the only thing on her mind was survival. Turning to alcohol and drugs at an early age, she thought she’d found the perfect escape from the shame of being gay and her mother’s erratic emotional roller-coaster ride. Excuse Me, Sir! Memoir of a Butch is a story of the outsider. It’s about what it means to be marginalized, the journey of overcoming and enduring the agony of addiction and how even in our darkest times, we can still find levity, laughter and hope.


“Excuse Me, Sir! Memoir of a Butch is a soul stirring narrative that addresses many facets of growing up in the 70's. Shaley shares her deeply personal experiences with us that include the struggles with being a closeted lesbian, drug and alcohol addictions and surviving a troubled childhood. Her story is told in a relatable way, with hope, humor and growth. It is a journey that reaches out to all of us and provides a deeper understanding of personal and societal issues and gives us the much needed inspiration to deal with and overcome these challenges. I strongly recommend this as a read for everyone.” C Billings

Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2023
  • 9798218281373
  • 240 pages
  • $19.99
