Inspirational and self-knowledge
Plot: Explore yourself with 100+ Keys collects dozens of the author's original precepts, arrived at over a lifetime. Each is printed as a pithy quote, presented over an image of a mountaintop. Brief, memorable, incisive quotations have long been a cornerstone of inspirational literature, and the author has fresh insights to share.
Prose/Style: The precepts printed here have not been thoroughly edited for clarity and grammar, and many are difficult to comprehend. This is also typical for many of "Explore Yourself"’s sayings -- the text on the page too often stands as a barrier to the wisdom the author has in mind. It's unclear what lesson a reader should take from these statements. These precepts often have missing word errors, verb agreement errors and other required proofreading fixes.
Originality: The author's precepts are original, and the ones that communicate clearly offer helpful, uncommon, sometimes challenging advice.
Character Development/Execution: At its best, Explore Yourself offers wisdom that demands and rewards contemplation. Much of the book, though, is too garbled and uncertain in its phrasing to communicate.
Date Submitted: October 15, 2020