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Fade to Black: Noir Stories of Grifters, Drifters, & Unlovable Losers
Robert White, author
Homicide cops talk about the “unholy trinity” behind most murders: greed, lust, revenge. In White’s collection of 22 noir tales you have all three motives on display, sometimes all three working in combination with one another. Take “Gone Fishing,” for example. A man cheats on his best friend with the man’s wife. That man wants to take him fishing in rough weather in a small boat on open water. There’s more than catching yellow perch behind the invitation. Scott Suddeth stops at a roadside greasy spoon in “Marigold’s Diner” while running from an aborted casino heist and his life is changed forever when he pities the woman serving him. The luckless men and women who try to escape their fates in Fade to Black mostly discover that they’ve been running toward it all the time. White’s subtitle is fitting: “Noir Stories of Drifters, Grifters, & Unlovable Loser.”
