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Dana Fraedrich
Falcon's Favor
Falcon Smoke never wanted the fame he’s gained. He only ever wanted to help people, but it’s hard to do right within a broken system. The cost of that same fame has forced Falcon to leave his family home and move into a small house he can only afford with the help of another young gent by the name of Keene. Keene is warm and charming and fills their new home with the wonderful aromas of his delicious tea blends and the scrumptious meals he makes for his catering clients. But most of all, Keene makes Falcon feel safe and accepted. Just as the two are getting ready for some well-deserved time off, their home is robbed. Involving the Enforcers means condemning the perpetrators to a lifetime of imprisonment and torture, so Falcon decides to solve the case on his own… or so he thinks. Keene refuses to be left out, and the two grow closer throughout the investigation. As sparks of romance ignite between them, someone notifies the Enforcers of the crime, and Falcon will be forced to choose where he’ll throw the considerable weight of his support.
