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Hardcover Book Details
  • 07/2024
  • 9781035825349
  • 322 pages
  • $35.95
Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2024
  • 9781035825332
  • 322 pages
  • $20.95
J. J. Laakso
Familiar Reflections
J. J. Laakso, author
In my debuting book, I awake to a post-divorce time filled with uncertainty of who and where I am and what I desire. How I have lived my life and whether I desire to continue it. Little by little, I perceive it, the world I have lived in and the fear I have always felt yet never truly understood. Learning to understand my life, I detail realizations I consider vital and practices that helped me build more sustainable happiness together with those I share my life with. For me, this journey meant categorizing aspects of my life, conceptualizing them as carefully as I can; faith in myself and the world around me; and courage to be open about what I desire to believe in all of us. Our capability to learn to love. Our capability to learn to live wisely and skillfully.
Hardcover Book Details
  • 07/2024
  • 9781035825349
  • 322 pages
  • $35.95
Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2024
  • 9781035825332
  • 322 pages
  • $20.95
