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Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2020
  • 9781945567261
  • 288 pages
  • $14.00
Brian Tripp
Fate Weaver
Brian Tripp, author
Every thousand years, a tower of unimaginable power appears in the mortal realm. It's said that whoever claims the throne inside will have the power to change the world in their image. This time, the tower appears at a moment when the gods find themselves locked in their own realms; their essence fading from the world. With the gods no longer in control, humanity finds themselves locked in a battle of survival with the hordes of monsters the tower has called to it. When all seems lost, three heroes stumble upon an ancient power that may just give them the strength they need to survive the onslaught and claim the power of the tower for themselves.
Thalis Scianna

Fate Weaver, while at its first glance, revolves around Greek Mythology, is far more than that. Our protagonists, Ashe, Quinn, and Levy set out on a journey that they believe is their "fate" to achieve. From very early on it is clear that Tripp wants you to understand and relate to each of these characters uniquely. I found myself cheering for them (even when they did things that were... morally abhorent) and wanting to see them grow and do better.

The overall plot is interesting in itself and while there are nods and bits of Greek Mythos within, the true story is original and creative- so much so that I think the Greek stuff could easily be replaced with the author's own mythos and creations. (Though it need not be, but there is something to be said about taking something that has been written to h*ll and back and still finding a way to make it your own!)

A great tower appears in the world and whoever sits upon the throne gains great power. But the tower attracts monsters and the danger in approaching in it is massive. The humans who have been oppressed by the Gods for eons wish to take the throne and change their fate. Early on it is made abundantly clear that neither side has control nor the right to the throne.

Quinn and Levy shine particularly bright in this story. I found myself wishing for Levy to grow and change in ways that his character was not ready to yet (still you cheer for him!) and watching Quinn change from a child to an adult is an absolute delight. Ashelia, while interesting in her own right, doesn't shine quite as bright but serves an incredible importance to the plot and is likable, as are all the protagonists. I won't post much about that because I wish to keep this spoiler free but either way, it's worth reading.

It's important to remember that with self-published novels especially, that the work is done usually in its entirety by the author. There were some editing errors here and there but never so much so that they took me away from the story in any way. I'm proud of Tripp as an indie author. Even throughout the novel, his voice evolves, changes, and grows. I can't wait to read the second book and I highly recommend that everyone give this a read! 

Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2020
  • 9781945567261
  • 288 pages
  • $14.00
