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Joan Carney
Fated Memories
Joan Carney, author
Burdened with the scars of a tortured childhood and a shattered romance, Kitty is being forced to resign from the dull, anonymous job she’s been hiding behind. With her life in shambles and her friends moving on without her, she jumps at her cousin, Maggie’s, invitation to visit. However, Maggie’s new boyfriend, Simon, has a secret that accidentally hurls the trio a hundred and fifty years into the past. Trapped in the midst of the bloodiest war in American history, and acutely aware their actions might trigger a butterfly effect on the future, the events that unfold will require more mettle than Kitty’s ever had.
Source: D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

Kitty is being transferred to a different section of the hospital where
her ex works - and she's certain she can't do this. Her parents want her
to live at home and go back to school to gain better skills that would
lead her away from dead-end jobs, but Kitty has other ideas, and Fated
Memories probes these choices which lead her from a limited world into
the full blossoming of war.
As a timeslip saga blends with a girl's struggles to gain meaning from
her life, Fated Memories brings with it a unique brand of time-travel
lessons as it uses a journey into the past to reveal not just romance
and war, but how meaning can be gleaned from everyday life, choices,
and circumstances.

 In the beginning, Kitty feels her options are very limited ("If I quit
the hospital I'll have to go back and live with my parents. I'm such a
loser.") while her good friend tries to make her see that adversity can
translate to opportunity with just a small attitude adjustment ("Life
is all about changes that's what makes it interesting. You've always
known you were too smart for that job. This is your chance to break free,
turn the negative into a positive. Spread your wings. Grow."). Neither
expected that such opportunity would come in a very different way, or
that Kitty would find herself on the cusp of self-growth even as the
world around her falls apart.
Where has the time gone, and what are her choices in navigating between
two very different worlds? As Kitty finds within herself new resources
she didn't know existed, she also hones a new purpose in life and a new
set of abilities that brings with them not just adversity, but unexpected
Is she really stuck in time and place, and does she really have choices?
Fans of Time and Again and other timeslip romances and classics will love
the twists and turns presented in Fated Memories, which provides a
different kind of coming-of-age saga of growth and revelation.

