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Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • B0BQB25LMZ
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Kelly Vincent
Finally in Tune (Coded for Love Book 2)
Kat Vinson, author

She’s already successful. He’s chasing a dream. When fate reunites them, can they orchestrate a second chance?

Casey Washington is happily independent. Worth millions after her stock options exploded, the prosperous data scientist doesn’t regret missing out on a husband and babies. But while back in Oklahoma clearing out her late dad’s album collection, she’s shocked when she runs into a previously off-limits old flame and buried feelings reignite.

Music fills Adam Raines’s soul. Juggling songwriting with being a single dad, he busies himself in his record store and tries to forget the tomboy crush who got away. So when she steps into his shop prettier than ever, he seizes the moment and asks her out to dinner.

With her brief stay to deal with her father’s estate coming to an end, Casey struggles to resist the intense attraction drawing her ever closer to the handsome blond. And since Adam is unwilling to relocate and leave his kids, he fears giving into his desire will only set them up for heartache.

Can they let passion run free and create the perfect duet?

Plot/Idea: 6 out of 10
Originality: 6 out of 10
Prose: 7 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 6.75 out of 10


Plot/Idea: The work opens with the protagonist already lusting over her love interest whom she hasn't seen in years, even before they reconnect. When they accidentally bump into each other, her reaction is off the charts and somewhat strains believability. The author starts her at level 10 when a slow build might prove more engaging and rewarding for the reader. Yet the story line evens out, becoming less forced and feeling more authentic. In time, the reader becomes invested in Casey's story and her happiness.

Prose: In spite of the weak opening, the author proves herself to be a capable writer, equally adept with description, dialogue, and action. The prose is inviting and once the story gets going, the narrative flows smoothly.

Originality: The author has crafted a traditional romance story that follows a predictable course of action. Plot elements help distinguish this work from others in the field, and the main characters prove to be likable and distinctive.

Character/Execution: The author ultimately delivers well-rounded characters, particularly with Casey, who morphs from a love-sick school girl into a likable, independent woman.


Date Submitted: April 01, 2024

Kirkus Reviews

A computer programmer reconnects with her college crush in this second-chance romance.

Walking into a Tulsa, Oklahoma, record store, Casey Washington is immediately hit by a blast from her past: Adam Raines. Eighteen years ago, they shared math and science classes and a passion for live music, but Adam—now a co-owner of the record store, music journalist, and songwriter—was married and soon expecting his first child. Almost 40 years old, Casey now lives in Portland, Oregon, a single and successful computer whiz with millions to her name. But the death of her beloved yet complex father has her back in Tulsa, preparing her childhood home for sale and getting ready to unload her dad’s prized assortment of records (“His record collection was his baby”). Adam is divorced, with two teenage girls from his marriage and a toddler son from a rebound fling, and when he sees Casey again, romantic feelings from their college days immediately resurface. As Adam helps Casey categorize and sell her dad’s records, a new love begins to blossom—but life isn’t quite as simple anymore, especially with his family responsibilities and the fact that her job and home are far away. When a secret from Adam’s mother’s past comes to light, its repercussions may once again drive the pair apart. Alternating Casey’s and Adam’s perspectives, Vinson’s sequel presents a likable couple with a host of realistic obstacles. Casey is a once-favored daughter who is now taking on the bulk of responsibilities after her father’s death while spending time with her brother and his partner and two children. Adam is a dad sharing custody with two exes and dealing with a sullen and moody 15-year-old daughter. When it becomes clear that the main characters’ connection is far more than a “just in town” dalliance, they must also cope with challenges relating to geography and family, even before a potentially devastating truth is revealed. Casey and Adam’s chemistry remains palpable throughout the enjoyable tale, as does their potential to be “the one” for each other.

A sweet love story brimming with music and nostalgia.

Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • B0BQB25LMZ
  • pages
  • $
