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Mark Bodnarczuk
Finding New Life After the Death of My Son
This is every parent’s worst nightmare. You go to wake up your 18-year-old son on Sunday morning for church and you find him dead in his bed. Only later do you learn that he bought a single Xanax pill on Snapchat for fifteen dollars to calm his anxiety about the COVID pandemic. He took the pill then ordered food from Door Dash, but he never lived to eat it. It was a counterfeit pill that contained over three times the lethal dose of fentanyl – that one pill killed him. Mark Bodnarczuk’s heart wrenching memoir begins just hours into his process of mourning the tragic death of his teenage son. With indelible sincerity and penetrating detail, Bodnarczuk shares the intimate details of his grief, inviting readers into his moments of anguish, confusion, forgiveness, hope, and transformation. If you allow Mark to be the docent, he’ll lead you on a journey down into the depths of grief and pain that plagued his soul, and then back up through his process of finding new life and a deeper sense of meaning after the death of his son.
