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Finding Sarah: A Phoenix to Behold
Nina Purtee, author

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Publish)

Sarah Wilkinson has found passion as a painter whose skillful talent was shaped and influenced by many, including two past female artists who came from different worlds and different centuries, yet both defied the odds against women becoming successful artists. Evolved from the Annie’s Journey series, Sarah was living in a tent painting the wild animals of the Serengeti in East Africa when Annie met her. They quickly became close friends, but what Annie was unaware of is the heartbreaking childhood Sarah experienced before she struggled to find her way into the competitive art world. As a result, it was Annie who would force Sarah to confront her destiny and make a choice that would forever change her life. Her father, in a letter written just before his death, referred to Sarah as a phoenix that rises from the ashes to new heights. Follow along as Sarah surpasses one pitfall after the other, painstakingly getting closer to the potential for the phoenix to soar.
Sarah Wilkinson continues her journey in Purtee’s latest, after Crossing Paths, as she turns to her love for art following the death of her mother. At age 10, when Sarah’s mother dies after a terrible accident, and her father deserts her the night of the funeral, Sarah is left with her grandmother. Encouraged by a school caseworker to pursue her passion for art, and sponsored by a mysterious patron with a deep interest in Tanzanian wildlife conservation, Sarah embarks on a worldwide adventure through programs for promising young artists, discovering new opportunities for friendships, romance, and more.

Though Sarah’s tragic backstory consumes much of the novel’s first half, her journey takes off once she departs to study, first in a Parisian art school, and later through an art scholarship competition in Australia—where she falls deeply in love with fellow art student Hans Schuman. As Sarah changes, so, too, does the world around her: her father dies from complications of pneumonia, her relationship with Hans is haunted by old lovers, and a guided trip to Tanzania, meant to spark her creative juices, alters her in more ways than one. Purtee steers clear of the often-messy emotions that come with young adulthood, focusing instead on Sarah’s evolution as an artist—and the realities of female artists in the 1990s, trying to succeed in a classically male-dominated profession.

Purtee skillfully embeds strong female artists who inspire young Sarah into a narrative that shines most when describing the artistic process: intricate details, the elation of watching animal dynamics on safari, and the energetic explorations Sarah and friends make under the tutelage of Kenneth Patrick stand out—as does the underlying theme of Sarah as a phoenix, rising from the ashes of her tragic childhood. A side plot about political kidnappings slightly distracts, but Purtee rallies with a sweet conclusion that will give fans hope of future adventures with Sarah.

Takeaway: Friendship, love, and art intertwine in this sweet YA story.

Comparable Titles: Sandhya Menon’s From Twinkle, with Love, Kayla Cagan’s Piper Perish.

Production grades
Cover: B+
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A-

Emma Megan for Readers’ Favorite 5*

Finding Sarah is a fabulous mix of intrigue, adventure, travel, mystery, and romance. This unforgettable and powerful YA novel is well-written. In it, a young artist experiences tragedy, sexual awakening, friendship, love, and heartbreak and learns to forgive and offer second chances. It is the kind of book that breaks your heart and then mends it, and you will finish it with a smile and a long, satisfied sigh.

The characters are believable, relatable, skilled, empathic, and well-developed. Nina Purtee's book teaches the reader that it is possible to go into the future inspired by the past and not be burdened by it. I recommend it to anyone who loves to paint and enjoys coming-of-age stories, romances, and books with fierce female protagonists.

Tammy Ruggles for Reader Views 5*

Purtee shares her gift and craft of writing for young women, and there seems to be a strong element of inspiration or timeless message that underpins the plot of this story. By all rights, Sarah could have thrown in the towel given her tragic past. But she doesn't, and this is a beacon to young women who have that spark to recover and reclaim from the darkest of times.

Besides self-exploration, romance, and adventure, you have a character with heart. Purtee is a natural storyteller, with the ability to transport readers into realms of imagination and possibility. Sarah is a character you can identify with; one you can admire and root for. The first-person point of view brings a personal feel to the narrative. But besides character-building, this author has an immense talent for conveying mood, setting, and growth. You feel that you are right there in the same exciting locations with Sarah.

It's nice to see conservation as one of Sarah's passions. This is a character with a cause, with a conscience. I think readers will come to adore and respect her for who she is, and readers will be entertained and informed by her exploits. The author has really brought a fictional character to life for me by creating her as multi-dimensional. One thing that always stands out in a very good character who finds herself, is the opportunity for readers and fans to connect with her on their own journey of finding themselves.

Purtee brings a fresh, meaningful take to the adventure romance genre, and sprinkles in heartwarming moments and a sense of humor. If you are looking for that perfect blend of travel, romance, suspense, and purpose, "Finding Sarah: A Phoenix to Behold" by Nina Purtee, is a must-read.

Ebook Details
  • 03/2024
  • 9798989852956 B0CTJ8FH5S
  • 300 pages
  • $3.99
Paperback Details
  • 03/2024
  • 9798989852949 B0CYWLFV9H
  • 300 pages
  • $12.95
Hardcover Details
  • 03/2024
  • 9798989852987 B0CZF2CG2L
  • 300 pages
  • $22.95
